Career in Insurance

The Noble Business of Solving Worries

When you evaluate career prospects, what are the key points that you consider? In my experience, most people look for career opportunities that offer stability, growth, work satisfaction, and holistic development. At times you crave independence, you want to be your own boss, and of course, decide what you want to earn and grow at your own pace. You want to be an entrepreneur but are confused as to how to go about it and what to choose. One such business that offers all the ingredients for building a lasting and happy career, wiping the tears of customers, has unlimited potential and earning capabilities, is the business of becoming an Insurance advisor.

The insurance business is a distribution-driven business, and the agency channel is one of the most robust distribution channels in the sector. An insurance advisor is a representative of the insurance company and sells its products and services on its behalf in return for a commission. In India, agents have played an instrumental role in spreading insurance and taking it to the masses. Insurance agents are part of an increasingly innovative and dynamic field that attracts people from all walks of life. An insurance advisor holds deep knowledge about various insurance products, understands the requirements of their customers, and helps them choose the right products.

This is an excerpt from an article I contributed to General Insurance Council. Read the full article

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