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Why SEO Is Not the Only Source of Lead Generation

Whenever you search for term on search engines, you get a list of the best results that contain the query term. Obviously, users tend to click and view those sites that rank better. Have you ever wondered how some sites seem to rank better than others? Search Engine Optimization or SEO, as it is popularly known, is a technique that allows search engines to find and rank a site higher than millions others. It enhances the visibility in unpaid search results, primarily through optimization of the website’s content, coding and external backlink profile. So even if you have spent endless hours brainstorming, mapping, designing, testing and launching a website, it is of no use if it does not show up in search engine results.

But is SEO really that only way to get the best results for your website? In this article we look at the flipside of SEO and why it is not the only way to drive traffic and achieve the desired targets.

4 Reasons Why SEO is NOT the Answer

Competitor Keywords Cannot Be Targeted

As a brand, it is important to understand that you know which keywords your competitors use. Organically i.e. using SEO, it is not possible to rank on these brand keywords of competitors. For that you would have to use paid search or SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

SEO is not a Short-Term Strategy

It is impossible to expect quick rankings on high competition keywords with SEO. A few tweaks here and there would not give a big boost to the traffic. SEO is and can be a long-term strategy only. For people wanting a quick fix solution for boosting traffic would be disappointed with SEO.

Rankings are Fragile

Search engine users continuously alter their interests and search engines like Google update their algorithm. This is why it is difficult to preserve your ranking. For this, steps have to be taken to improve the site’s rankings such as publishing relevant content, regular content updates, including relevant links and metadata, etc.

SEO is a Continuous Process

For achieving the best results, SEO needs to be a continuous process. If you are looking to market your site with minimal effort, then SEO is definitely not the route that you would want to take. The rankings usually have to be earned the hard way.

Although most people would assume that SEO is the most important of all marketing technique, there are many facets of SEO that make it difficult to use. Moreover, if you’re looking to do well in your business, your real life reputation is much more important. It is important to keep in mind that your relationship with customers and not just numbers will be the measure of success.

Though there are many shortcomings, there are numerous aspects of SEO that will always remain important.

  • Majority of users generally do not go beyond the first page of the search engine.
  • If your brand ranks on the first page, it creates a sense of trust.
  • It is one of the main sources of traffic to the website.
  • It helps users get relevant information based on what they are searching for.

Therefore, SEO is necessary but not the only recourse for lead generation.

Note: – The opinions expressed in this article are completely my own and are in no way associated with any organization I am affiliated with.

Note: This article, written by the same author, has also been posted on LinkedIn.

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